Saturday 8 August 2015

Who Am I?

The question absolutely no one has been asking, Who Am I?

Purely for my own benefit of making this blog look somewhat legit this shall be my first post, a small insight into the girl behind the screen.

Well firstly, my name is Sam and i'm 19 years old and I've started this blog as a way to pass time in the never ending break from university that I am currently tortured with. With no job on the books as of yet i've found myself with an endless amount of time that's currently spent watching re runs upon re runs of friends (which I am not complaining about) and baking to my hearts content. While this doesn't sound particularly horrifying there's only so many episodes with only so many cakes that a girl can take without going a little stir crazy.

With no plan in mind for this blog, it'll be a little space on the web for my thoughts on various subjects to roam free. As a student my life isn't as glamorous as i'd like so the posts will be closer to a stay at home holiday than a 5* resort holiday in Dubai but nevertheless a real life blog is way more interesting, right? So I hereby introduce you to my blog of books, films, beauty, baking and struggling through life.

 - Sam x

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