Friday, 28 August 2015

I'm A Not So Fresh-er Anymore!

So I survived my first year at Uni!! Not only that but i'm absolutely itching to get back, there's just under a month till I finally move back to start Freshers week, with a lot more familiarity than the previous year, and then getting back into the groove of learning i'm exciting to start doing something again! I've had a long and somewhat boring summer, not that the break isn't welcomed and to start with the endless amounts of time to do absolutely nothing but nap was tantalising, but I know myself well enough by now to know that doing nothing just isn't well suited to me. I've handled it like a pro, living up to my couch potato tendencies but without a job i've found myself going stir crazy.

With nothing to do but a casual job with Showsec (an event security company - a valuable experience as my degree is Events Management with Arts and Entertainment) that has been underwhelming due to my lack of money to actually get to the jobs, resulting in me only working one job so far. Although the job I worked was at Sheffield Arena while Take That were performing, now i'm not a huge Take That fan but there's no denying they put on an incredible show and what's even better, I got paid to attend!! Nevertheless i've been strapped for cash, spending money that I don't have on crap that I don't need so i've had a lot of time to think. I've been thinking about my degree a lot and how much I enjoyed first year, at some points I had doubts about my degree and whether I was good enough to carry on (mostly a self confidence thing) which let me to being dubious about applying for volunteering or work experience roles that would have helped me out. Now, nearing the end of summer, i'm getting my excitement back and am kicking myself for not working more! Because of this I am more determined than ever to push myself next year and be uncharacteristically proactive..

Back to my uni experience I have no other words other than that I absolutely loved every part of it and would more than happily repeat first year all over again if i could! I've met so many people in such a short space of time and have really felt myself grow, a year ago meeting this many people felt daunting and completely ridiculous! And while it hasn't always been a breeze and there were many awkward conversations and drunken moments i've come out the other end with friends and experiences that'll last a lifetime. For anyone who feels completely out of their depth and sick to their stomach nervous about starting uni, all I can say is that I felt the same and now look at me! YOU WILL BE FINE I PROMISE YOU, just relax and go with the flow and it'll come to you easier than you think. Saying that, don't sit back and let everything happen, initiate things and you might find this is when you find the best people.

Going into second year I know that I am going to have to work a hell of a lot harder and the work load may be more than last year but i'm ready to get stuck in. Having already half-moved in to my new house (which is so cute just look at my room (below))  i'm beyond excited to fully live there, there's nothing like feeling completely independent even if it is just for a few months a year. Overall I've had one of the best years in a city that i've grown to love with people that i'm excited to get to know better, and i'm about to have another.

 - Sam x

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