Thursday 13 August 2015

My 'Rainy Day Brownie' Recipe

This 'Rainy Day Brownie' recipe is called so because on a rainy British day which, lets face it, happens more often than we'd like (particularly in summer, I mean what's all that about?!) what's better than a chunk of chocolaty goodness. 

PLEASE NOTE: This recipe is not completely limited to only rainy days, feel free to bake whatever the weather! Now that we've cleared that up.. 

You will need: 

275g Chocolate - Half plain, Half milk
225g Unsalted Butter
400g Caster Sugar
1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract
5 eggs, beaten
200g Plain flour
Pinch of Salt
Icing sugar to dust

What to do:

1. Pre-heat the oven to 180°C or Gas Mark 6 and grease and line a deep tin around 20cm x 20 cm.
2. Melt the chunks of chocolate and butter in a bowl over a pan of boiling water - no need to stir here the magic will happen by itself!
3. Remove bowl from heat and add the caster sugar and vanilla extract, then leave the chocolate mixture to cool slightly - feel free to place on a window sill and let the smell waft to your envious neighbours (although don't blame me if they come round begging for a bite). 
4. When mixture is cooled, add the beaten eggs a little at a time till all mixed in, then sift in the flour and a pinch of salt and fold this in (with a metal spoon preferably) until the mixture is smooth.
5. Poor mixture into lined tin and place in the oven for around 25 mins.
 - Note, the time may vary depending on the size of the tin. After the 25 mins stick a skewer into the brownie and if it comes out clean it's done, if not leave in for longer - 
6. Allow brownies to cool completely in the tin before lifting out, when cooled cut into squares and dust with icing sugar.
7. Finally ENJOY!

- Sam x

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